MWC 2024: Journey into the (mobile) future”

Mobile World Congress 2024, the largest and most influential event in the mobile ecosystem, organized by the GSMA, took place from February 26 to 29 in Barcelona. During this period, the Fira Gran Via exhibition complex was the epicenter of events where the latest trends in mobile technologies were presented and announced.

It was a gathering place for worldwide versatile administrators, telephone producers, hardware essential for portable sign transmission, and lovers of a wide range of portable innovations. Albeit basically a business expo generally went to by a huge number of organization chiefs from the versatile correspondences area, here developments that will drive the universe of correspondence before very long and many years are introduced.

Rising Numbers Official figures on the total number of exhibitors and visitors had not been released by the time of completing this text. Nevertheless, it is evident that the event is returning to its former glory, on the path that was initiated before the coronavirus epidemic temporarily closed the doors to trade fair events. Half a decade ago, the last pre-COVID trade show, MWC 2019, set a record with over 109,000 visitors. After the cancellation of the fair in 2020, a “semi-normal” fair was held a year later with around 50,000 visitors. Since then, the growth in interest has continued at a high pace – nearly 60,000 visitors attended in 2022, and last year more than 88,000 visitors. GSMA believes that this year the growth will continue, with more than 90,000 visitors expected after the gates are closed.

Segments of the MWC 2024 Exhibition Once upon a time, MWC mainly covered innovations in the field of mobile phones and related network infrastructure. Today, with every technology being “connected technology” and interwoven with AI functionalities, it is difficult to distinguish them. Therefore, MWC 2024 covers a much broader field of interest and focuses not only on the mobile segment but also on the accompanying technologies that go hand in hand with it. It reveals how the connectivity of devices and technologies supports business and industrial applications through the use of AI, IoT devices, and quantum computing. It has also been shown that these three technologies are the drivers of the development of next-generation communications.

“Galaxy Ring – Samsung’s health monitoring ring.”

MWC is, obviously, still the main occasion for introducing items in the field of portable advancements. Debuts of cell phones and different gadgets are generally fascinating to the overall population, however according to a modern point of view, versatile advancements that will be the main thrust behind the association of these new gadgets are substantially more significant.

“Alef Aeronautics has unveiled a flying car that they hope will be on sale as early as next year.”

The Journey to the Future segment explores how mobile technologies will transform future industries, communities, and our lives. This includes various “next-generation” technologies, such as the electric flying car approved by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, brain cell-based chips, AI-powered drones, flying robots for mapping inaccessible terrain, and more. Here, various presentations could be seen, and technologies that may one day transform our daily routines could be tried.

The Digital Planet segment includes engagement applications, advertising technologies, e-commerce, and marketing communications professionals, while innovations in the so-called Pavilions are presented according to countries or regions. The Connected Industries segment offered insight into Industry 4.0, with a focus on digital transformation in manufacturing, smart mobility, sports, entertainment, fintech industry, and e-commerce.

“Motorola has shown that foldable phones don’t have to be just clamshell designs.”

We must not forget 4YFN, the MWC’s partner event focused on startups, which celebrated its first decade this year. This segment makes MWC simultaneously one of the most important startup events in Europe. Over the past decade, 4YFN has connected more than 9,200 small companies with over 5,400 investors. This year, more than 800 startup companies participated in 4YFN, a record so far. One of the most interesting details of this (sub)event is the 4YFN Award ceremony, where finalists compete live, in front of the audience and investors, to gain their attention and financial support for further business development.

And finally, within MWC 2024, 335 sessions were held, including nine keynote speeches delivered by executives of global companies.

“Holographic interactive technology by Holoconnects company”

Most Represented Topics If we were to summarize the most significant themes that permeated this year’s fair, they would certainly be 5G technology and its successors, the connectivity of all devices, the humanization of AI technologies, and, of course, digital business transformation.

Sustainability is a theme that has become an integral part of every technology fair, and this one is no exception. At MWC, many new ideas and solutions that take into account the preservation of our planet could be seen, from energy and transportation to waste management. And they all have one thing in common – these solutions have become possible thanks to innovations in the field of connectivity. As an example of such synergy, we mention the Agrepix solution for precision agriculture. The term ‘precision agriculture’ refers to technology that reduces costs and increases the production and quality of products. Data is collected using a quad equipped with intelligent sensors that monitor the condition of crops in real-time and report on the presence of diseases, pests, or nutritional deficiencies.

AI, 5G, and IoT The new generation of mobile technology, 5G, was one of the most represented topics at MWC 2024. Although the technology itself is no longer in its infancy, the application possibilities it opens up are still inexhaustible. At the fair, numerous presentations were held on the topic of 5G, including a keynote speech by Ericsson’s CEO, Börje Ekholm. Among other things, he emphasized the importance of further investments in 5G infrastructure and pointed out that only in this way can its full potential be realized.

“AI is becoming an integral part of all new Samsung devices.”

Another topic that attracted a lot of attention was artificial intelligence (AI). However, unlike previous years, when the focus was primarily on technological achievements and capabilities, this year the emphasis was on the humanization of AI. Thus, in addition to demonstrations of the capabilities of AI-based systems, presentations were also held on the topic of ethics in AI development and the importance of ensuring that AI systems do not lose sight of human values.

“Autonomous vehicle that delivers ordered coffee”

Another hot topic at MWC 2024 was the Internet of Things (IoT). Although IoT itself is not a new concept, the rapid development of 5G technology opens up new possibilities for its application. At the fair, various IoT solutions were presented, ranging from smart home devices to industrial applications. One of the most interesting presentations was the demonstration of a smart city solution developed by Huawei. This solution uses IoT sensors to collect data on various aspects of urban life, such as air quality, traffic congestion, and energy consumption, and uses artificial intelligence to analyze this data and optimize city operations.

In conclusion, MWC 2024 was a showcase of the latest innovations in the mobile ecosystem, from 5G technology and AI to IoT solutions and sustainability initiatives. With record attendance and a wide range of exhibitors and presentations, the event highlighted the growing importance of mobile technologies in shaping the future of industries and societies worldwide.


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